Baby Jogger City Select: Independent Customer Product Review - PramFox Singapore

Baby Jogger City Select: Independent Customer Product Review

Baby Jogger City Select: Independent Customer Product Review

The Baby Jogger City Select is a beautiful chariot that grows with your family. It is one of the few strollers that begins as a single buggy and converts to a double tandem stroller or even a triple when necessary. Offering more than a dozen seat configurations, you can easily configure the stroller to adapt to your family’s changing needs—that’s a lot of bang for your buck! We’ve compiled a few reviews for you, have a quick look-see and if you require some nifty advice, book an appointment with us!


1. Multiple Seat Configurations

The City Select boasts sixteen different configurations that you can choose from. It accommodates two capsule car seats, two toddler seats, two bassinets or any two variation of those options so you can take two kiddos of similar/different age. And if you’ve got an older tot, simply add on a glider board and it becomes a triple stroller! Nothing beats the convenience of toting around the city or your local park with all your kids in a single stroller (read: less gear to wrangle with), which is great if you’re taking them out on your own. Click on the video below to watch Michelle from The Baby Cubby demonstrate the different configurations of the City Select stroller.

2. Superior Maneuverability

Thanks to its all-wheel suspension and lockable front swivel wheels, the City Select is an all-terrain stroller. It’s got outstanding maneuverability and a tight turning radius though it’s not meant for running or jogging. Coupled with one-handed steering, this stroller is your best ally for navigating busy streets and compact spaces in public transport or malls. From grass to gravelly paths, the City Select has got you all covered. For more features of the wheels and brake mechanism, watch the video by Kia from Babylist:


3. On-The-Go Convenience

If your child naps on the go, you’ll be glad to know that the City Select offers a lie-flat recline position. Simply squeeze the recline button and adjust the leg rest—for extra comfort and support—and bub can nap comfortably in it while you’re strolling down the city. Designed meticulously with your child’s comfort in mind, the City Select buggy features a removable and height adjustable canopy—it grows with your child—for protection against the weather elements. It’s also fitted with a magnetic peek-a-boo window, instead of the usual Velcro/zips which could wake your sleeping child, for extra ventilation. And of course, the stroller doesn't neglect your comfort as well. Its telescoping handlebar allows for easy adjustment, even on the go, to accommodate parents of different heights. If you’re interested in other features of the City Select, you may read a full review by Kelsey from Today’s

Baby Jogger City Select Stroller with Tandem Seat for twins
Baby Jogger City Select Stroller with Tandem Seat for twins




Are you a first-time parent looking for baby stuff in Singapore? We’re all about the personal touch, so why not book an appointment and we can walk you through the various baby gear options and chat about exactly what’ll work for you.

For more information you may contact us at or @buckleupforfoxsake on Instagram and Facebook

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