Maxi-Cosi (sometimes misspelled as or auto-corrected to Maxi-Cosy) is one of the world’s most well known and recognisable brand for car seats. They prioritise the parent experience and are experts at optimising the usability, performance and function of the baby car seats while maintaining the gorgeous aesthetics and fantastic fit for children. Maxi-Cosi produces car seats for a wide range of market and budget and we’re proud to stock their European i-Size range. Maxi-Cosi i-Size car seats exceed the world’s highest standard for car seat design and testing and they’re constantly at forefront of research and development in the baby and toddler car seat market.
Maxi-Cosi infant car seats (also known as capsules, the ones with the big handle that makes them look like a bucket or a basket) are compatible with every single stroller sold by PramFox (almost every stroller will need an adapter but it exist). They work particularly well with our range of UPPAbaby strollers.