The ultimate new dad's guide to parenting
The ultimate new dad's guide to parenting
If you’re anything like my husband, you probably think it’s crazy that there is a whole book’s worth of emotional guff, when we could just cut to the chase and tell you who to call. So here is a very short letter from my husband, Alex, plus a list of the specialists in each chapter.
Dear Dad,
Before my first child, my mum warned me. She said, “Your time is no longer your own after having kids,” and for once, she was right.
Learning how to cope with a newborn can be a real shock to your routine. As new parents, you will need to come to grips with the fact that your life will revolve entirely around the baby and your needs take second priority. For me, this realisation set in as soon as my wife and I left the hospital. We suddenly found ourselves alone and without ready assistance from the birthing ward nurses.
So with that and a little bit of hindsight in mind, below are my top tips to help get you home smoothly and settling in to life after birth.
Getting everyone safely home from the hospital presents the first challenge. Common options include taking a taxi, driving your own car, or using public transport. However, if you are using a car, the baby must be in an appropriate car seat. Aside from its illegality, the consequences of not restraining your child can be horrific (queue crash test videos). Make sure you get a seat that suits your budget and lifestyle, then practise installing it prior to D-day. If you need help selecting the right car seat, call my wife.
Next up: essential hardware. My first child was born at 36 weeks, which made my wife and I look fairly unprepared when we hadn’t yet bought a cot. Don’t make the same mistake and ensure you have the essentials well before il bambino arrives. You don’t need to buy expensive new items as most of this can be purchased pre-loved (except nappies and car seats) to save some coin, but as a minimum have these four areas covered:
- wheels (stroller and car seat),
- meals (baby bottles, bottle steriliser and infant formula if that’s your thing),
- threads (nappies, burp rags, swaddle blankets and baby clothes) and
- beds (cot or bassinet and sheets).
Sweet dreams? The best advice I can give to help you acclimatise to life after birth is to get everyone in to a good sleep routine. Newborns feed every three hours. As a result, being able to get your baby back to sleep quickly at 3am is vital. There’s tonnes of literature on sleep routines but, as a start, my wife and I followed the four steps in the sleep chapter of this book. If you end up feeding using infant formula or expressed breast milk, I would recommend mum and dad working complementary ‘shifts’ (eg mum feeds baby at 9pm then goes to sleep; dad stays up and does a 12am feed then goes to sleep; mum wakes up at 3am etc).
Finally, clear the decks. Whilst you will be tempted to show off the new baby to friends and family as soon as possible, I would suggest giving yourself time and space to get into your baby-care routine before you line up all of your visitors. Dads also need to be conscious of balancing work time and home time in the first three months after birth. I would strongly advise minimising non-essential work travel during this time unless you have surplus ‘brownie points’ to burn.
I hope that wasn’t overwhelming (there’s no going back now though). Persevere. Life will become more normal after a few months. Until then, be prepared to give up a few gym sessions and some Netflix until everyone settles in.
Quick Reference Directory
Dr Pamela Tan: www.drpamelatan.com
Dr Paul Tseng: www.virtusfertilitycentre.com.sg
Dr TC Chang: www.doctor-chang.net
Dr Dharshini: www.drdharsh.com
Dr Siva: www.rafflesmedicalgroup.com
Dr Jazlan: www.rafflesmedicalgroup.com
Dr FM Lai: www.acompanyforwomen.com.sg
Dr EK Tan: www.drtanengkien.com
Prof Choolani: www.nuh.com.sg/nuhgynae
Prof Chong: www.nuh.com.sg/nuhgynae
Prenatal classes
Beloved Bumps: www.belovedbumps.sg
Mother and Child: www.motherandchild.com.sg
BumpWise: www.facebook.com/bumpwise
Love Based Birth: www.lovebasedbirth.com
Blooming Births: www.blooming-births.com
Inspire Mum & Baby: www.inspiremumbaby.com
Tree of Life Birth: www.treeoflifebirth.com.sg
Parentlink: www.parentlink.com.sg
Warda Yusoff: WhatsApp 9880 1417
Tessa Webb Lyman: WhatsApp 9896 0378
First Aid Tuition: www.firstaidtuition.com.sg
Birth partners
Johanna Wagner: WhatsApp 9795 7949
Doulas of Singapore: www.doulasofsingapore.com
Red Miller: www.lovebasedbirth.com
Natasha Cullen: www.belovedbumps.sg
Avigaïl Riahi: www.belovedbumps.sg
Chantel Kismet: www.blooming-births.com
Linda Tan: www.inspiremumbaby.com
Deanna Kearns: www.laboroflovesingapore.com
Emeline Hare: www.mybabyadores.com
Athina Vandevoort: WhatsApp 8225 3743
Angelyn Seet: www.treeoflifebirth.com.sg
Kiki Porter-Wolff: WhatsApp 9108 5521
Warda Yusoff: WhatsApp 9880 1417
Yoga & pilates
Laura Dobberstein Yoga: WhatsApp 8571 1794
Terra Luna Yoga: www.terralunayoga.com
Sarah Manning: WhatsApp 8161 9580
Sacred Funk Yoga: www.sacredfunk.com
Pure Movement Centre: www.puremovementcentre.sg
Inspire Mum & Baby: www.inspiremumbaby.com
Mother and Child: www.motherandchild.com.sg
Amber Sawyer: www.ambersawyer.com
Group fitness & personal training
Mom In Balance: www.mominbalance.com
Beloved Bumps: www.belovedbumps.sg
Coached Lab: www.coached.fitness
Health 2 Mama: www.health2u.sg
Red Bus Photography: www.redbusphotography.com
Evie Grace Photography: www.eviegracephotos.com
The Studio Loft: www.thestudioloft.com.sg
Leanne Jackson Photography: WhatsApp 9851 6346
Little Me Moments: www.littlememoments.com
Baby gear
PramFox: www.pramfox.com
Baby Slings & Carriers: www.babyslingsandcarriers.com
Warabee: www.facebook.com/warabeehs
Baby Gates N Safety: www.babygatesnsafety.com
motherswork: www.motherswork.com.sg
Mothercare: www.mothercare.com.sg
Embrace Physiotherapy: www.embracephysio.sg
Physio Asia: www.physioasia.sg
Physio Down Under: www.physiodownunder.sg
Physio Core and Floor: www.physiocoreandfloor.com
City Osteopathy & Physiotherapy: www.cityosteophysio.com
Edge Healthcare Orchard: www.edgehealthcare.com.sg
Health 2 Mama: www.health2u.sg
Edge Healthcare Orchard: www.edgehealthcare.com.sg
The Osteopathic Centre: www.theosteo.com.sg
Organic Family Chiropractic: www.organicfamilychiropractic.com
Light Chiropractic: www.lightchiropractic.com
Naturopathy & homeopathy
Edge Healthcare Orchard: www.edgehealthcare.com.sg
Inatura: www.inatura.com.sg
Homeopathic Health Centre: www.drrukshinmaster.com
Vitanovella: www.vitanovella.com
Nutritional health
The Iron Suites Medical Centre: www.theironsuites.com
Nutritious N Delicious: www.nutritiousndelicious.com
Health 2 Mama: www.health2u.sg
Labour preparation
Life Balance: www.lifebalance.com.sg
Inspire Mum & Baby: www.inspiremumbaby.com
The Foot Practice: www.thefootpractice.com
Dr Veronica Toh: www.rafflesmedicalgroup.com
Dr Tan Siew Pin: www.olivetreedoc.com
Dr Leo Hamilton: www.kidsclinic.sg
Dr Natalie Epton: www.sbcc.sg
Dr Belinda Murugasu-Koh: www.memc.com.sg
Dr Loo Hui Voon: www.forumclinicsg.com
Dr Mythili Pandi: www.imchealthcare.com
Dr Peter Chiu: www.imchealthcare.com
The Iron Suites Medical Centre: www.theironsuites.com
Well baby clinics
Mother and Child: www.motherandchild.com.sg
Beloved Bumps: www.belovedbumps.sg
Tessa Webb Lyman: WhatsApp 9896 0378
Mother and Child: www.motherandchild.com.sg
Alona Hodik: www.bellytobreastfeeding.com
Dr Mythili Pandi: www.imchealthcare.com
Breastfeeding Mothers’ Support Group (Singapore): www.breastfeeding.org.sg
Stillen Maternity: www.stillen.com.sg
Health 2 Mama: www.health2u.sg
Mental Health
More Mindful: www.moremindful.me
Dr Kamini: www.dr-kamini.com
Dr Amy Reale: www.arc91.com
Counsellingconnectz: www.counsellingconnectz.com
Thrive Family: www.thrivefamily.sg
Mary Barrett Global: www.marybarrett.global
Inspire Mum & Baby: www.inspiremumbaby.com
Support groups & communities
New Mothers’ Support Group: www.nmsg-singapore.com
BumpWise: www.facebook.com/bumpwise
Love Based Birth Hive: tribe.lovebasedbirth.com
Mindful Mums: www.meetup.com/moremindfulmums
Stork’s Nest Singapore: www.facebook.com/storksnestsg
New Mums Singapore: Search on Facebook
Mother and Child: www.motherandchild.com.sg
Beloved Bumps: www.belovedbumps.sg
nůmama Choir: numamasingapore@gmail.com
Breastfeeding Mothers’ Support Group (Singapore): www.breastfeeding.org.sg
Chapter Zero: www.chapterzero.org
Online resources & books
Honeykids Asia: www.honeykidsasia.com
Sassy Mama: www.sassymamasg.com
From Fear to Love: Available on Amazon
The Positive Birth Book: Available on Amazon
Elevating Child Care: Available on Amazon
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding: Available on Amazon
The Science of Parenting: Available on Amazon
The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read: Available on Amazon
The Gift of Birth: Available on Amazon
Nannies & helpers
The Newborn Nanny: www.newbornnanny.sg
Empowa: www.empowa.sg
Anisya: www.anisya.com
Nik’s Bodywork: www.nikbodywork.com
Beauty Mums & Babies: www.beautymumsbabies.com
Inspire Mum & Baby: www.inspiremumbaby.com
Health 2 Mama: www.health2u.sg
Tree of Life Birth: www.treeoflifebirth.com.sg
S Family Wellness: www.sfamilywellness.com
Mother and Child: www.motherandchild.com.sg
Financial considerations
LynchPin: WhatsApp 8666 6242
Simply Wills: www.simplywills.com.sg
Maternity & baby clothes
Lagom Kids: www.lagomkids.com
Hunter + Boo: www.hunterandboo.com
Sagaseed: www.sagaseed.shop
Stillen Maternity: www.stillen.com.sg
Bonds: www.bonds.com.au
H&M: www.hm.com
Baby showers
Host: www.hostsingapore.com
Tim’s Fine Catering: www.timsfinecatering.com
Fika Events: www.fikacafe.com