Everyone parents in their own way. While compact strollers might be the obvious choice in our fast-paced city, for some families in Singapore, deluxe double strollers replace their car, parked at the front door, ready for the next adventure. Others use their stroller more like a prosthetic limb, never out of arm's reach, bundled on and off trains, buses and taxis, doubling as a make-shift high chair, bouncer, crib, and when it simply can’t be avoided even a change table!
However you roll, your stroller needs to fit your style, kitted out with the right stroller accessories, your stroller can be an invaluable tool that makes life so much easier. It’s the extra set of hands you’ll most certainly need, the comforting little slice of home that can calm your kiddo when out and about, it can even grow with your little one as they speed towards a not-so-little one.