Car Seats
The road is a dangerous place. And in a country that’s world-renowned for safety, it’s shocking to hear how many of our little ones are not travelling safely. A well-fitting, properly installed car seat is the only way to keep your child safe in the car and the only way to give you the peace of mind of knowing you are doing the best thing for your little one.
While many of us don’t have the luxury of our own vehicles, that doesn’t mean a car seat is not needed. Even a quick trip in the back of a taxi is a risk without a car seat, and by law, on any journey in a ride-share, your child must be adequately restrained. Your newborn can ride safely in a capsule or modular rear-facing car seat, and they’ll stay rear-facing till at least two years of age. After that, you can consider turning them around to face forward. Then from about four to six years old, they can graduate into a high back booster seat.
Have a scroll below, but if you feel you don’t know where to begin, read through our car seat buying guide and come back armed with a wealth of knowledge that’ll help you with your decision. And once that decision is made, book a professional car seat installation and fitting to make sure your new car seat does its job perfectly.