High Chairs
Sitting together and sharing a meal is one of life’s simple pleasures. In the few moments taken from life’s hectic pace to gather around the table, a family grows closer and builds all-important life-long bonds. Mealtimes are a joy that we should share with the littlest members of our families as early as possible (the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chairs are newborn-ready!).
The right high chair can take mealtimes from stressful, messy ordeals to joyful, messy opportunities for discovery. (Unfortunately, your baby will smear avocado in their hair no matter what they sit on, we can’t help you there.) And while there certainly will need to be a bit of clean-up afterwards, some chairs (and Snuggle Hunny Kids' bibs) make this much easier than others.
So much learning happens in the high chair. Yes, our little ones learn about flavour, texture and temperature, but also about social cues, how we interact and, a big one, all about gravity and cause and effect. (I wonder what happens if I push my sippy cup off the table? And just how many times will mummy pick it back up for me?)
Peruse the collection below and begin to imagine which one of the premium, stylish-yet-funcional chairs will fit into your mealtimes.