Haakaa breast pumps are a must-have from Day 1. Pop one in your hospital bag, then whenever you breastfeed, pop the Haakaa on your other boob. Even if it doesn't look like much is happening at first, the gentle vacuum from the Haakaa will encourage your milk and if you do collect some, then (a) it will help your supply and (b) you've got the makings of a little emergency-stash brewing. If you find the Haakaa pumps are working well for you, then consider getting a bunch of them (four, maybe?) to save you constantly washing and sterilising. The Silicon Breast Pump Cap fits all the pumps we've got and they're amazing for not having to think too hard in your sleep-deprived state about how to transfer it to a storage container right away. Just pop the cap on and pop it in the fridge. The Gen 2 pumps are solid workhorses and the Gen 3 pumps take things to the next level, allowing you to pump, store and feed, all from the same container: reduced handling, reduced risk, reduced effort. Amazing. Also, one last tip - breast pads are like, so 2015. If you find your boobs are leaking when you're not feeding, pop the Haakaa milk collectors in your bra and save that liquid gold, without having to do any work at all.Â