Plane Pal
Travel with kids can be very stressful! Samantha Cardone, the founder of Plane Pal, has been that mother desperately rocking a screaming child whilst pacing the aisle. She's also been the mother pinned under twin sleeping toddlers for 6 hours straight, with dead legs and a desperate need to visit the bathroom. Not sure which was worse...
Plane Pal solves both dilemmas. Now your child can stretch out and fall asleep or simply relax, without their legs dangling. And you can enjoy having your lap and your arms to yourself. But remember Plane Pal isn't just for use on plane's. We've had lots of adventurers use them in cars, and on trains and buses! Wherever your family is headed, we hope that Plane Pal will help you and your family enjoy the journey and not just the destination.
Plane Pal solves both dilemmas. Now your child can stretch out and fall asleep or simply relax, without their legs dangling. And you can enjoy having your lap and your arms to yourself. But remember Plane Pal isn't just for use on plane's. We've had lots of adventurers use them in cars, and on trains and buses! Wherever your family is headed, we hope that Plane Pal will help you and your family enjoy the journey and not just the destination.