Baby Bath Tubs
Bath time can be one of the most fun, enjoyable times for both you and your baby. Most babies love being in the bath, and seeing your baby happy will also bring a smile to your face. In the bath, your baby gets a chance to really wriggle around, testing out their arms and legs, fingers and toes, they feel warm and comfortable, and perhaps most important of all, they have your 100% undivided attention - something that all babies relish.
Like many aspects of baby care, the right equipment can make this fun time easier and safer. Baby baths that support your little one to splash and play safely, are essential to keep them out of harm’s way. There are all sorts of nifty gadgets to help you too; ergonomic jugs, instant-read thermometers, seats & slings can all help make bath time a breeze. As your confidence grows, your little one’s love for the bath will too, and bath time will be something you both look forward to.
Babies grow up astoundingly quickly, so with the right kit, you’ll go from tentative sponge baths to raucous splash fests in the blink of an eye!