What is a Well Baby Clinic and how does it help?
What is a Well Baby Clinic and how does it help?
A letter to you from Uma Thambidurai, a British-trained nurse, midwife, IBC lactation consultant, and Director of Mother and Child.
Dear Mum,
You must be thrilled and excited for the birth of your precious baby. Before you meet your gorgeous baby, you will be making many decisions, including how you plan to feed your baby. You will experience many challenges in the early weeks, and may be overwhelmed with the feeding frequency and sleep deprivation. If this is the case, dropping in to a Well Baby Clinic will offer you immediate access to midwives and health professionals, and the chance to meet other mums - these friendly chats and support cannot be overstated!
If you do decide to breastfeed your baby, it is a uniquely special experience between mother and baby. Midwives and health professionals are able to lead and support you through this journey, with ease and confidence, so that it is as natural and instinctive as possible. If this is not your first feeding experience and you have faced some challenges before, or you have breast anomalies or medical issues, then there are options that can be considered and discussed with a lactation consultant.
Childhood is a time of rapid growth and change, and regular visits to Well Baby Clinics can offer immeasurable support to both you and your child as you both journey through this super-highway of development. Even if your child is healthy, visits to Well Baby Clinics are a good time to focus on both your child’s wellness and your own.
Talking about ways to improve care and prevent problems helps keep your child healthy. Such topics may include nutrition, child growth and development schedules, access to development assessments, hearing, vision and other screening tests, immunisation, sleep, childhood diseases, appropriate diet for age, safety in the home, and recording your child’s height, weight, and other important information.
In time, you will look back fondly on your journey. Let’s do this together.
Warm regards,
Mother and Child
Mother and Child’s Well Baby consultation is an essential service to every new family, especially in the early weeks when newborn life can be overwhelming. In addition to weighing and measuring your baby to track growth and progress, their health professionals provide essential feedback, assistance and advice on feeding and caring for your newborn or infant. Maternal concerns and wellbeing will also be addressed. Their midwives and health visitors will discuss your baby’s progress, feeding, sleep, weight, growth and development and provide you with emotional support. Mother and Child provides the most comprehensive support for expectant couples and new parents in Singapore, from breastfeeding and midwifery support to prenatal classes, yoga and everything in between.
Contact Uma and her team on 6836 0063, info@motherandchild.com.sg, www.motherandchild.com.sg, 163 Tanglin Road, #03-11 Tanglin Mall, Singapore 247933.
Beloved Bumps
The early days and weeks with a baby can be tough for any new mum and it can leave you with a lot of questions: Am I feeding enough? How is my baby’s growth? My baby is crying a lot, is something wrong? I’m feeling a bit down, is that okay? Beloved Bumps’ Well Baby clinic is a great way to check-in with their midwives and health visitors and allows you to talk about newborn care and any issues you may be having from 0-6 months. Mums also find it incredibly helpful as a way for them to check-in, since new mums need just as much support as babies do! After your appointment, you are free to hangout in their child-friendly space for a cup of tea or coffee.
Motherhood is amazing, but it’s also exhausting, scary and hard sometimes. Beloved Bumps know what it’s like because they’re all mums too! Topics they can help with include breastfeeding, infant feeding and nutrition, growth and early child development, safety, community support, adjustment to parenthood, and parenting and attachment.
If there’s any issue on which their midwives/health visitors feel you need further support, then they’ll refer you directly to one of their trusted partners.
Contact Natasha on 8809 8623, www.belovedbumps.sg, 46 Kim Yam Road, #03-05 Singapore 239351.