Cybex PRIAM: Independent Customer Product Reviews - PramFox Singapore

Cybex PRIAM: Independent Customer Product Reviews

Cybex PRIAM: Independent Customer Product Reviews

Whether you're heading to the mall or going for walks in Botanic Garden, the Cybex Priam is going to be your go-to stroller. Stylish yet practical and robust, the Priam is a nifty ride designed for urban families—it’s simple to use, easy to fold and it turns on a dime, ideal for navigating tight city spaces and public transportation. Read further for some of the product reviews we’ve compiled just for you:


1. Modular Design System For Flexibility

Designed for high modularity for flexibility, the Priam allows you to attach different seats to its chassis so you can easily configure the stroller to fit your needs and lifestyle. It’s compatible with the Cybex Aton and Cybex Cloud Z2 models of car seats to create a travel system for easy transportation of bub from car to stroller and back. The Priam also accommodates a carrycot for extra comfort during your baby’s first few months of life, which you could easily swap out for the reversible seat pack when bub has outgrown the carrycot.

Cybex Priam Lux Carrycot Newborn Solution


2. Perfect For On-The-Go Families

The Cybex Priam features a nifty one-hand fold, making it handy for train/bus/taxi rides. Simply push the button on the handlebar, pull the seat towards the chassis and ta-daaaa, it folds into a self standing unit. Additionally, the handle bar is designed for you to sling the folded Priam over your shoulder for hands-free transportation. Hopping in and out of public transit is a breeze with the Priam, especially if you have to carry bub up/down the stairs at the train station. Click on the video by Magic Beans below to see how you transport the Priam hands-free!

P.S. The Cybex Priam doubles up as a highchair too! No more worrying about whether the restaurant/cafe has a baby chair. Bub can enjoy their meals from the comfort of their buggies.

3. Superior Maneuverability

Thanks to its all-wheel suspension, the Priam glides effortlessly across varied terrains. It works just as well for running errands around your neighbourhood as it does for a walk in the park. It maneuvers easily through crowds and gravel paths/grass patches in the park while bub enjoys a smooth and quiet ride. For more winning features of the Priam, watch the video by Pushchair Expert below.

P.S. You can also opt to upgrade the Priam with the all-terrain wheels for a smoother ride.


Can’t decide if the Cybex PRIAM is the one for you? Book an appointment with us. For more information you may contact us at or @buckleupforfoxsake on Instagram and Facebook.


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