Toting around the city with your young tot will be a lot easier once you’ve an urban compact stroller that ticks all the boxes! The Joolz Hub is compact, lightweight and manoeuvre, perfect for the narrow sidewalks and shopping lanes in the city. Coupled with its stylish chassis and large storage, the Hub could be the perfect city pram for urban parents. Have a quick look through the most comprehensive independent customer product reviews below, then get in touch with us for a consultation. Elise (that's right, a real person) will help narrow down your options so you can make an easy breezy decision.
If you live in a city (read: cramped apartments and storage closets) and you love being out and about with your child, you’ll be glad to know that the Hub stroller folds into a small unit (watch the video below to see how the fold works)! It folds easily with the seat attached—in both parent- and world-facing—into a self-standing package for compact upright storage. Simply stash it away at your hallway or car trunk when not in use. It’s also fitted with a carry strap so you can hoist it over your shoulder for hands-free transportation—perfect when you have to carry your stroller to the car and for public transport. Now you can have a toddler on one arm and the Hub stroller on the other! P.S. the Hub is only 53cm wide and that’s a real bonus when shopping and navigating the gantries at the train station and the local bus gangways!
Traipsing around town will be a breeze with the Hub. Thanks to its large rear wheels with all-wheel suspension, you can run errands all around the city and easily manoeuvre down the city streets and sidewalks. With its one-handed steering, the handling is second to none! “Every day, we hit the footpath and we’re out in the park,” says Jess from Babylist, “I’ve taken it on the light rail and the ferry, and we’ve been in and out of the car.”
The Joolz Hub stroller is conducive for the tropical weather: it’s got a huge water resistant sun canopy that goes beyond the belly bar and is fitted with mesh panels. Its zip-out extendable canopy offers reliable protection from the sun, while the mesh panels in the canopy helps to keep bub ventilated. These are must-have features to keep bub comfortable when you reside in a tropical country like Singapore because of our hot and humid weather.
P.S. It features multiple recline positions, including lay flat position, so bub can nap on the go. For more comfort features of the Joolz Hub, watch the full video by Pish Posh Baby below.
Shopping for baby gear in Singapore can be challenging especially if you're a new parent, so we've made it easy for you. Read through our stroller buying guide or book an appointment with us today. For more information you may contact us at or @buckleupforfoxsake on Instagram and Facebook.
Stokke YOYO2 (previously known as BABYZEN)